Environmental Instruments International
Environmental Instruments was originally founded in 1991 to provide equipment
and back-up service to the South African Sound & Vibration Industry.
The company prides itself in having established a great repoire with their clients and
principals. It is the sole distributor in Africa of RION and G.R.A.S. products, companies
at the forefront of Sound and Vibration Measurement.
With a background in electrical engineering, Chris Kempton-Jones and Jean-Pierre
Ramackers are able to give the kind of technical support that is needed in the industry,
be it training or back-up service for instruments sold.
Environmental Instruments has a large client base that includes municipalities, vari-
ous businesses, mines, the military, environmental health consultants and government
Environmental Instruments also represent FFE with their Vibration Switches used
for the protection of rotational equipment.
For product information please select a company icon below
021 914-4408
087 802-5308
086 696-4073
082 449-2943
P.O. Box 4107
Old Oak, 7537